Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Friday, February 25, 2011

a great game

We just got back from a lovely holiday, and while we were at my Auntie and Uncle's house we played Bananagrams. What a fun game! The kids had fun just playing with the letters and spelling words, too. I went to Target and was going to buy it, but when I came to the till it didn't scan, so the guy gave it to me for $1.99!!! I think it should have been more like $14.99. Even at $14.99, I think it is worth the investment. We played for quite a while, and had tons of fun!
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Saturday, February 5, 2011


Check out the symmetry in this building Noelle made...all on her own! She is a very good architect!
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and the learning continues...

We've been having a lot of fun around here with learning...especially learning to read! Noelle is doing awesome, and gaining tons of confidence. Tonight she read me a 27 page book (which took probably 40 minutes) and she didn't give up or get frustrated! I'm so proud of her:)
Elliott is learning lots too, and continues to amaze us with what he all knows and can do. We're so proud of both of you!
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