Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 8 and 9 (so far)

Oops!  I guess I'm getting bad at posting!  Here's some highlights from last week and the beginning of this week:
Noelle writing a letter to put in her shoebox gift.

Measuring in our Franklin workbooks

Learning with Dr.Seuss
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Noelle and Elliott's Tinker Toy Teradactyl

Making caterpillars out of dish scrubbers!

We also finished our Passport to India study, and started reading Madeline.  Hope you're having a great week!  (Notice how we're wearing our pj's in lots of the pictures?  One of the benefits of homeschooling!) 


  1. I'm just wondering what you do with your youngest while you're teaching the other 2?

  2. Hi Elleah! At this point most of our schooling happens during Malia's nap time. When she drops her morning nap, we'll just have to work with it! I think being the third she is used to sharing the attention, but I am sure there will be days when it's trickier. Worst case scenario we stop for a bit and engage her, and pick up again later:)

  3. Hi Guys,
    Looks like another great week of learning and fun.Love the Teradactyl,the focused looks on the projects and especially the smiles.Keep on LEARNING & have FUN!
    Love U All
