Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week Seven!!!

Wow!  Time has flown by!  This week I decided to take it back to basics and focus on Phonics and Math.  I have some great books I picked up at Liquidation World of all places!  Elliott works in his own "workbook" which is usually something I've picked up at Dollarama.  Noelle is doing really well....sometimes she has a hard time realizing that she needs to do her work...sometimes she just wants to be done right away, so I try to explain to her that if she were at school she would be working all day!  She's doing well, though.
The story we were doing from Five in a Row is called "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel".  At homeschool co-op they learned about steam, ice, and water (gas, solid, liquid).  They also got to hear a great devotional about hearing from God.  Later that evening we were dancing in the living room to some worship music, and Noelle said something like "When I was dancing, I was thinking about Jesus!" so we started talking about worship, and what it means.  Then, for the next half hour at least, she kept hearing from God!  Here are some of the things He told her:
"I like it when you do that (dance for Him)"
"I love you Noelle, I love you!"
"You can worship Me when you're climbing a tree, when you're working, whatever you're doing!"

She was so excited, she could hardly contain herself!  It was such a good reminder to me that homeschooling is not necessarily just about what we get accomplished, but what is happening in their hearts. 

Elliott's Steam Shovel

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky & Students,
    It looked like another great week of learning and
    teaching.Phonics & Math seems like a great combination.To Worship God is always cool but to hear is so very very special.I remember when it says unless we come as little children and once again I am challenged to move in child like faith.Let the little children come unto Me and forbid them not.I'm so happy for Noelle and that experience.May we all humble ourselves and
    once again come to Him as little children.Great drawings guys.What will week 8 bring.Can't wait.
    Love you all
