Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A little about me...

Chantelle from Thousand Square Feet tagged me to answer some questions about myself, and although this blog is mostly about what I do for homeschooling, I will play along! Here goes:

1. What is your favorite memory of your childhood years?
Wow. That's tough. One of my favourites is of when I was upset, and would hide under my sweet mom would come looking for me saying 'Where is Becky?'...she always found me!
Another is sitting on my Grandpa's lap combing his white beard with the little comb he kept in his front pocket:) Another is going on a Daddy-daughter date with my Dad to see "My Girl" in the theatre.
2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Hmmm....I guess that would have depended on when you asked me! I think in my grade 2 book I said something about wanting to work at the bank like my Mom. I also LOVED animals, and probably would have wanted to do something related to animals, like a vet maybe? I also wrote a story about myself (Cowgirl Becky N) and my horse Twinkletoes, so maybe I wanted to own a ranch? I still would LOVE to move to the country and have all kinds of animals for my kids to enjoy.
3. If you had an evening to yourself with no expectations placed on you, what would you do?
Wow...that sounds too good to be true! Usually my evenings out involve grocery shopping and/or running errands! I would go for a massage, then go for dinner at a nice restaurant with my hubby. And then we could go to a hotel for night!
4. What would you like to learn to do sometime in this life?
I would really like to go to school to become a massage therapist someday. Mostly, I want to learn to trust God more and hear Him speak to me, and follow His leading.
5. Last book you read? Favorite book?
Last book...don't remember what it was called! I haven't read tons lately (other than lots of kids books!), so I will say the "Jesus Storybook Bible" ...EVERYONE should have one of these, whether you have kids or not! It is the best children's Bible I have ever read...and it really blessed me too. It does such a good job of tying the Bible stories together, and each story talks about being a part of God's rescue plan. If you go to the website they post a new video each week of one of the Bible stories!
6. Would people describe you as a "girly-girl" or more of a "tom-boy"?
Hmmm...definitely not girly girl, but not tom boy either...probably right in the middle! I am not 'high maintenance' or anything, but do like to look nice on occassion...sometimes after having snot crusted on my shoulder (NOT my own) and walking around in my pjs gets old! As a kid I learned to be competitive as I had two older brothers to keep up with, but even then I had my girlie side.
7. Favorite beverage?
Tough call...I'd say a steamer with some yummy flavouring on a cold day, and on a hot day some kind of slushy fruity smoothie.
8. Childhood nickname? Current nickname?
Well, my brothers used to call me "Muffalo" because I had such crazy, big, muffy hair! My dad used to call me "Little One", even into adulthood:) Most people call me by my name, or 'beck'.
So now you know a little more about me! Thanks Chantelle:)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week Six

We've been reading "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World", and made Apple Seed Counting Books where they had to count the number of seeds in the apple going from 1 to 20. I put a little apple picture over the number and then they counted but could check their answers. Then they wrote the number. We practiced putting in order all of the places visited, ingredients collected, and modes of transportation using flash cards. We did this Apple Basket Activity page. We made our own subtraction book using themes from the story. We also coloured all the flags of the places she visited to catch up on what we missed at co-op last week.

We watched some more of our Passport to India videos. We finally received our package in the mail, so we were able to go back over the videos we watched and answer questions in our very own 'passports'. We learned more about the different kinds of clothing, different kinds of temples, and learned about some children from a Hindu home who learned about Jesus through the Children's Bible Clubs, much to the chagrin of their parents. They are requesting prayer that their parents will come to know Jesus as well.

We learned about how to be safe, follow signs, etc. from our Boz activity book (we started these books in spring just to get into the swing of homeschooling).
At Co-op on Thursday we got to make apple muffins, finish our lapbooks, go to the park, have races, and eat a yummy lunch together!
Other than that, we do lots of reading books, playing games and puzzles, and other fun things where we get to be together and learn at the same time. We started having a prayer time together in the morning before we have breakfast where we pray and invite Jesus to be with us and help us love each other...He is really helping our days go smoother! We had been having lots of arguing, fighting, tattle-taling etc, and we were at our wits end. I couldn't think of any more ways to punish, or discipline. FINALLY I talked to God about it (which I should have done right away) and He gave me the idea about having a prayer time together. It is amazing what a difference it made! Thank you, Jesus!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week five....

Playdough art

Wow....somehow I forgot to keep much track of what we did this week! Don't know how that happened:) Anyways, here are some highlights!

We did an apple tasting activity with some of our good friends where we compared 6 different apples and recorded our results. We had a blast!

I recall doing some math lessons from the book I mentioned before: really fun stuff, where you hardly feel like you're doing math.

Noelle and I baked cookies, and talked about different measurements and how to measure accurately.

Unfortunately we didn't make it to our co-op because of some bad coughs...hopefully this week.

Oh yeah...we also did two more days of our 'Passport to India'. We are really enjoying this: we got to see inside one of the children's homes, and see what kind of food they eat.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week Four....

Elliott's Cat colouring....
Wow! This week flew by so fast...I will try to remember what we did!

We finished 'Papa Picollo'....what a fun book that was. We learned about cats eyes, and what makes them unique. We learned about colours, and made a colour wheel with paint. (Here is the covers of Noelle and Elliott's 'Cats' lapbooks. I got all of my ideas for the lapbooks here ).

We did some 'math' activities from the Usborne Number Activities Book....who knew math could be so fun! We did the counting to 20 and 30 activities.

We started 'How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World ' (another one of our Five in a Row Books). What a fun book! It's about a girl who wants to make and apple pie, and the market is she proceeds to travel all over the world to get her going to Sri Lanka to get cinnamon from the Kurundu tree. It's a great book for learning geography, and is so fun.

At our co-op some of the highlights were praise and worship, making their own apple crisps, and getting to go to the park for recreation time! And of course eating lunch together:)

We have watched the first two videos from My Passport to India . It was neat to be able to show the kids how people live in the slums of India, and how excited the children are to be able to go to the Bible Clubs and learn about Jesus!

And last but not least, we go to splash in the pool! In OCTOBER!!!! What a blessing