Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week Four....

Elliott's Cat colouring....
Wow! This week flew by so fast...I will try to remember what we did!

We finished 'Papa Picollo'....what a fun book that was. We learned about cats eyes, and what makes them unique. We learned about colours, and made a colour wheel with paint. (Here is the covers of Noelle and Elliott's 'Cats' lapbooks. I got all of my ideas for the lapbooks here ).

We did some 'math' activities from the Usborne Number Activities Book....who knew math could be so fun! We did the counting to 20 and 30 activities.

We started 'How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World ' (another one of our Five in a Row Books). What a fun book! It's about a girl who wants to make and apple pie, and the market is she proceeds to travel all over the world to get her going to Sri Lanka to get cinnamon from the Kurundu tree. It's a great book for learning geography, and is so fun.

At our co-op some of the highlights were praise and worship, making their own apple crisps, and getting to go to the park for recreation time! And of course eating lunch together:)

We have watched the first two videos from My Passport to India . It was neat to be able to show the kids how people live in the slums of India, and how excited the children are to be able to go to the Bible Clubs and learn about Jesus!

And last but not least, we go to splash in the pool! In OCTOBER!!!! What a blessing


  1. Speaking of cats, here is an interesting cat fact for you! There is a particular variety of cat, called the Van Cats, that LOVE to swim in the salty Lake Van in Turkey. This cat has only one type of hair (other cats have 3) so that it dries really quick after getting wet. It also has 2 different color of eyes and the cat is white! Cool, huh? Learned that in geography while teaching the kids A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Land. Oh, and I agree- this weather is AMAZING!!

  2. Hi Becky & Students,
    Well week 4 looked exciting.Lots of great coloring,math counting and what away to end the week with a great pool party.Keep up the great work.I bet week 5 will be awesome!
    Love you all.
